Interval circuit training (work/rest format) has proven to be a very effective way to work out. PACE (Programmed Aerobic/Anaerobic/ Accommodating Circuit Exercise) is an interval circuit training program at its best. PACE is the original 30 minute hydraulic circuit program that combines a strength workout with a cardiovascular workout in a half hour program.
The key to PACE, just like any other group program, is fun, motivation & inspiration from an instructor or working out with others. It's more fun to work out with your friends (especially those in the same shape you are in) with an instructor to provide safety, inspiration, motivation, etc. If members have fun, they stick with it! That is what member retention and member referrals are all about! Want to compete with the women's club franchises? Get PACE!

Intimidation is perhaps the #1 reason people do not join health clubs; especially the overweight, deconditioned, seniors, etc. PACE is a perfect program for these groups because with its unique hydraulic resistance, there is no skill involved, there are no weight stacks, no sore muscles and anyone can do it- and they get results quickly! Hydraulic resistance is the only resistance that instantly accommodates to the effort of the user; the harder, faster one pushes, the more the resistance. With hydraulic resistance, you can move to the beat of the music (fast anaerobic)- don't try this with any other type of resistance!
But beware! There are copies of PACE out there! Lots have tried to copy our 30 minute circuit concept, but none can copy our patented, fully adjustable hydraulic cylinders! (If they tell you that they include extra cylinders with your order, they expect them to break! They also tell you their "cylinders" are adjustable, but they don't tell you that members can't adjust them, only the club owners after hours since they are so hard to get to! They say you can have "light days" and "heavy days". What if a member cannot handle a heavy day? Or does not want a light day?) Remember, PACE is NOT a copy, it's the original!
PACE is not only an excellent program to help attract new members, but it can also serve as a profit center in itself. Many clubs charge extra for PACE, especially as a weight loss program. PACE Fitness now offer our new PACE Weight Loss Program ( to take the guess work out of implementing a weight loss program- as well as adding lots of new profits dollars to your bottom line.

Group exercise programs have proven successful in fitness centers for many years (aerobics, group cycling, aquatics, light weight lifting, step classes) for a good reason- they work! However, most group programs are designed for the already fit person. Camaraderie and the social aspects of group programs are what appeal to many people. Now, with PACE, the deconditioned, overweight, seniors, etc. can enjoy the same social aspects; everyone is in the same shape as themselves. The instructor plays a very important role in the success of a PACE program. The instructor provides supervision, motivation and inspiration. (By the way, our franchise knock-offs will not let you use instructors-too much profit out of their pockets!) The high energy music and the group format provides the fun. PACE gives them great results and keeps them coming back.
Marketing is also a key to the success of any program. A complete turnkey marketing package is included with every PACE program (contract forms, waivers, press releases, banner, art work for posters & ads, etc.) along with a comprehensive training package. A PACE Certified Training DVD is included with every PACE package.
Whatever your needs: Increase members from a whole new market. Increased member retention and referrals. Increased profits. A jump on the competition. Or just a fun, new group program, PACE works! PACE is not a franchise; you pay for the Program once; then you keep the profits you make.